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  • Writer's pictureBrit In The Six

Top 10 Reasons To Apply to Summer Camp

Updated: Jan 17, 2021

Some people hesitate before applying to work at summer camp. There are some mixed opinions about spending the summer away. However, those mixed opinions are from people that have never truly experienced summer camp. Because, if they did, they would not deter you from applying but rather have the opposite impact!

Here are my top 10 reasons why you should apply to work at summer camp.

1. The relationships you make.

This may sound corny but the people you meet at summer camp become your family. You are spending everyday together, going through the ups and the downs. You will create friends for life. The bond you create is truly special, and that’s not just with the staff - with the campers as well. You will help them find themselves and you will always be part of their camp experience.

2. The lessons you learn.

Every single day comes with twists and turns, which will constantly challenge you to push yourself. Working at a camp you are encouraged to go outside of your comfort zone and you are supported from the get go. Every mistake is looked at as an opportunity to grow and improve rather than an error.

3. It’s fun!

Summer camp is the job where you can be a kid again. Don't worry, you wont be alone - people will be right there by your side. The joys of adventure and curiosity blossom here and bring you back to your younger years. From camping under the stars to ziplining through the trees, there is nothing that is too crazy at summer camp.

4. Camp Traditions.

You will be invited to join in on traditions that are generation long and will become a part of something so much bigger than the summer itself. And that is pretty cool in itself. You feel a lifelong connection to a place that you just met.

5. Ultimate Summer Job.

What other summer job can you swim every day or watch the sunset over the lake?! Everyone gets a summer job, so why not at a summer camp. Let’s face it, it is better than serving tables in a restaurant or selling clothes inside. Why not get paid to get a tan and travel?

6. Disconnect to reconnect.

Take the summer to be screen free, reset your mind, and rejuvenate yourself. Are you not tired of scrolling through social media and getting jealous of people’s adventure. Why not create your own? Make real connections with people – maybe even over a campfire. The ‘camp bubble’ is real and nothing else matters outside of it.

7. New stories to tell.

When you go on any adventure, you always have stories you can’t wait to tell people back home. Believe you me, summer camp is no different. People will not be able to shut you up with all the memories and favourites you want to share with them.

8. Try new things.

From jumping into the lake for the first time, to sliding down a muddy hill in the rain; you will definitely have many opportunities to try new things at summer camp. Some things you end up partaking in, you could never of envisioned happening! Summer camp pushes you outside of your comfort zone, in a good way, and allows you to be the best version of yourself.

9. The travel opportunities.

When camp finishes, the world is your oyster! You can plan to travel wherever you would like and ultimately, create your own path. You could rent a car and plan a road trip, or sight see and city hop. The choices are endless! What an amazing way to end a truly spectacular summer.

10. Camp changes you.

You will gain confidence that you never thought you had. You will gain tremendous leadership experience which will help you over the course of your life. You will grow internally, mentally, and ultimately better yourself for whatever you choose to do in your future.

What are you waiting for? Apply to work at a summer camp today!


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